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The Summer Institute China Program is unique in North America for its intensive training and its curriculum that covers the operational, problem-solving, and decision-making challenges that exist in China today. The program was developed with the encouragement of government and business leaders across Canada, who expressed a need for intensive training on practical problem-solving for executives and officials working in or with China.

The Summer Institute China Program covers an extensive range of topics in relation to China that matter to industry and government. It also provides participants with the opportunity to gain practical knowledge for engagement in the Chinese business environment. Instruction is complemented with simulation and role-playing exercises that are based on real-life scenarios and situations commonly encountered in China. Participants leave the program with a firm understanding of important Chinese policy and regulatory issues, the cultural factors of doing business in China, and the decision-making approaches that should be applied to achieve successful outcomes.

At the 2011 Summer Institute China Program, you will also learn how to:

  • analyze events and information and leverage this analysis to inform decision-making;
  • formulate and execute appropriate responses to problems and crisis situations in China;
  • integrate personal and group objectives in the course of problem-solving and decision-making; and
  • navigate through China’s complex institutional, regulatory, and legal environment.

The first week of the program takes place at the Institute of Asian Research, the University of British Columbia. During this portion of the program, accommodation is provided on campus at St. John’s College, a 5 minute walk from the Institute of Asian Research. After the Vancouver portion is complete, participants are driven by coach to Whistler where they take part in a two-night retreat and a full day of instruction. Immediately following the Whistler portion, participants fly off from Vancouver International Airport to Shanghai, where instruction takes place at the Shanghai Academy of the Social Sciences (SASS) and the China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong (CELAP). In Shanghai, participants learn about critical issues in the Chinese policy and regulatory environment directly from Chinese policymakers and academics. The last day in Shanghai includes a series of site visits to important locations in the Shanghai area.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Institute of Asian Research
1855 West Mall,
Vancouver, BC,
Tel: 604.822.4688
Fax: 604.822.5207

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