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The Summer Institute is unique in its instructional methodology. Aside from the compelling seminars and group discussions that take place, the program employs a variety of experiential learning techniques, such as role playing simulations, mock negotiations, and group exercises. For more detailed information regarding these methods, please visit our experiential learning page.

Instruction during the Vancouver and Whistler portions of the program is led by some of North America’s leading thought leaders, business leaders, and academics who specialize on China.  In Shanghai, instruction is led by North American and Chinese academics, as well as Chinese policymakers.

Please visit the biographies page to learn about some of the instructors who will lead the 2011 session.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Institute of Asian Research
1855 West Mall,
Vancouver, BC,
Tel: 604.822.4688
Fax: 604.822.5207

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